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Alcohol-based hand rub with added emollient
85 % v/v Ethanol
Contains an emollient
Quality and Efficacy Proven:
- EN (European Norm) tested:
EN1500 Hygienic hand rub
EN12791 Surgical hand preparation
EN13624 Yeasticidal Efficacy
EN13727 Bactericidal Efficacy
EN14476 Virucidal Efficacy (Adeno Virus/Noro Virus)
EN14348 Tuberculo- & Mycobactericidal Efficacy
Final product 0.2 μm filtered
Product is colourless. This will reduce risk the of skin irritation and staining of floors, nails, etc.
Available with a pump, to ensure the correct volume is used.
Sizes: 500 mL with pump.
Manufacturing site (Integrated Pharmaceutical Plant, Longlake, Gauteng):
- GMP compliant
- SAHPRA registered
Proudly manufactured in South Africa
Additional information
Directions For Use
Hygienic Hand Disinfection:
- Apply a palmful on visibly clean hands, covering all surfaces, including fingertips. Rub well until dry (15 – 20 seconds).
Surgical Hand Disinfection:
- Use approximately 5 mL and rub well onto hands and forearms, ensuring all aspects of the skin are covered as per the correct steps. This process must be done 3 times.
- EN12791: 3 minute exposure, 3 hour latent effect.
Application time for hand disinfection:
Hygienic hand rub: 15 - 20 Sec
Hygienic and surgical hand disinfection.