TOM Create your free demo account here

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How to create your free TOM demo account?

TOM is our all new digital Tray Organizing Manager – an easy to install app-based platform solution designed to optimize the processes of any CSSD. 

If you want to create your own account follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Create a free "My B.Braun" account here.
  2. Login with your account on the top right of every site ("My B.Braun").
  3. Click the TOM App logo and use TOM.
Digitalization – The Smart Way!

TOM are two apps in one solution.

TOM is devided into two roles and applications:

  1. CSSD Manager (Uses a PC/Browser at the manager desk) 
  2. CSSD Packer (Uses an iPad at the packing station)

Your demo account is ready for the use of both parts - the "Manager View" and the "Packer App". The "Manager View" is reachable through "My B.Braun" on every modern browser:

  • Login with your account on the top right of every site
    ("My B.Braun").
  • Click the TOM App logo and use TOM.

The TOM iPad App can be downloaded here with your iPad. 

Get TOM and get rocking in your paperless CSSD!

TOM rocks… and helps you digitalize your CSSD

We are happy to help you to get there. Let us know when you have any questions.

Get in touch with us here.

Bring your CSSD up to speed with TOM, the new digital tray organizing manager. 

You can configure TOM the way you need it, orchestrating and administering your set list by a simple click of a mouse or flick of a finger. Each packing station is equipped with a tablet, granting instant and easy cloud-based access to the latest set lists, instrument pictures, handling, cleaning and assembly instructions.

It´s simple – download the app, register and start rocking with TOM!