By your side anywhere at anytime
Today, men who suffer from urinary disorders and who need to make use of urinary catheters look for discreet, simple and ready to use products fully adapted with their daily activities. Our Actreen® Hi-Lite range has been fully designed in order to contribute in making your life easier anywhere at anytime.
Male catheterization
- Before starting your urinary catheterisation, wash your hands carefully with soap and water.
- Take place comfortably, either by stretching out your legs or in a sitting position or in a standing position.
- Clean your intimate part with water and an adapted washing product.
- After the pulling back of the foreskin, clean firstly each side of the glans and end with the labia.
- With one hand, hold the penis upwards in order to redure the curvature of the urethra.
- With the other hand, gently insert the catheter into the urethra until the urine begins to flow.
- If you are using a Tiemann catheter, refer to the mark on the connector and hold it in a vertical position, mark on the top.
- Let the urine drain until complete evacuation.
- When the urine flow stops, press down on the lower abdomen to ensure complete drainage.
- Then gently remove the catheter.
- Discard your set or cath in accordance with the regulations in force.
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
Make your choice
Cath or set
For indoor catheterization, we recommend to use our Actreen® Hi-Lite Cath ready-to-use catheter which has been designed to be used in aseptic conditions by removing the catheter from its packaging by the connector. Also, having a unique connector shape, it allows an easy handling during use thanks to the no touch system which is integrated on the catheter.
To maintain your daily outdoor activities, the Actreen® Hi-Lite Set could be the most appropriate catheter. Thanks to its design and the integrated urine bag present on the catheter, you'll be able to proceed to your catheterization at anytime without making use of toilets. Also, with an anti reflux valve integrated into the bag, it avoids any leakages during storage and it could be emptied easily thanks to its tear off corner. (3)
The no touch system on the catheter allow a safe catheterisation avoiding any contamination of the catheter.
Catheter tips
Known as a standard catheter, the Nelaton catheter has a soft rounded tip which provides a great flexibility thanks to its straight proximal end. The Nelaton catheter has two lateral eyes for drainage. (4)
The Tiemann catheter has a tip which is slightly curved and has up to three drainage eyes. Most of the time, this type of catheter is used by patients who have a narrow urethral path or prostatic obstruction. During catheterization, the Tiemann catheter provides a directional stability and allows an easy insertion especially in obstructed areas. (4)
Catheter connectors and sizes
The colours of the catheter connectors are generally standardized and are related to the size of the catheter. The external diameter of an intermittent catheter is measured in Charrière scale (CH). According to the advise of your urologist, the catheter diameter will be chosen such as to be large enough to allow a complete drainage of urine without causing any damage to the urethra. Most of the time, the size of catheters which are dedicated to a male use measure from CH12 to CH14. Sometimes, larger sizes are used when strictures must be treated.(4) The Actreen® male catheters are available from CH8 to CH18. Their universal connectors fit to all types of urine bags.