Skin Disinfectants
- Surgical site infections (SSI’s) threaten the lives of millions of surgical patients each year and contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. (1; 3)
- 0.5 – 10.1% of all patients undergoing a surgery develop a SSI. The real rate of SSI is probably underestimated. (2)
- The risk of SSI in low and middle-income countries is 3 to 5 times higher than in high-income countries. (1; 3)
- As part of the World Health Organization Global Guidelines for the Prevention of SSI, 2016, it is recommended to use an alcohol-based antiseptic solution based on chlorhexidine. (3)
- Alcohol-based skin disinfectants are safe to use when the correct precautions and procedures are followed. Please refer to the below attachment for more details. (4)
- WHO SSI Infographics, 2016 attached
- Curcio D et al. Surgical site infection in elective clean and clean-contaminated surgeries in developing countries. Int J Infect Dis 219 Mar; 80:34-45
- WHO. 2016. Global guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection. Available at: (accessed on: 17 august 2021)
- B. Braun Alcohol-Based Skin preparation statement
- B. Braun Skin Preparation Recommendations & Training