Skin Disinfectants

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Skin Disinfectants

  • Surgical site infections (SSI’s) threaten the lives of millions of surgical patients each year and contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. (1; 3)
  • 0.5 – 10.1% of all patients undergoing a surgery develop a SSI.  The real rate of SSI is probably underestimated. (2)
  • The risk of SSI in low and middle-income countries is 3 to 5 times higher than in high-income countries. (1; 3)
  • As part of the World Health Organization Global Guidelines for the Prevention of SSI, 2016, it is recommended to use an alcohol-based antiseptic solution based on chlorhexidine. (3)
  • Alcohol-based skin disinfectants are safe to use when the correct precautions and procedures are followed.  Please refer to the below attachment for more details. (4)
  1. WHO SSI Infographics, 2016 attached
  2. Curcio D et al.  Surgical site infection in elective clean and clean-contaminated surgeries in developing countries.  Int J Infect Dis 219 Mar; 80:34-45
  3. WHO. 2016. Global guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection.  Available at: (accessed on: 17 august 2021)
  4. B. Braun Alcohol-Based Skin preparation statement 
  5. B. Braun Skin Preparation Recommendations & Training   

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WHO SSI Infographics, 2016
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Curcio D at al Surgical site infection in elective and clean-contaminated surgeries in developing countries
WHO Global Guidelines For the prevention of surgical site infection
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